IV Hydration

IV Treatments:

  • The “Gold Standard” in IV vitamins and minerals!

    May improve:

    Chronic fatigue, brain fog, immune system strengthening, anti-aging, optimal athletic performance and recovery, restore balance, alleviate chronic illness symptoms & more.

  • Long night? Resolve nausea, headaches & fight fatigue.

  • Strengthen your immunity to combat illness & support whole-body wellness.

  • Improve cognitive function, information processing, learning, and memory!

  • Improve endurance, shorten muscle recovery & refuel the body.

  • Fortify hair, skin & nails, support collagen, minimize fine lines & wrinkles, and quench tired skin.

  • Rehydrate, combat fatigue, and replenish your body with IV fluids, vitamins, & minerals. Perfect for battling GI/flu like illnesses!

  • Fight migraine headaches with this tried and true combo to battle headaches, nausea, and fatigue!

  • Minimize bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort and cramping, and low back pain. Perfect for PMDD or PMS sufferers!

  • Helps to burn fat, feel energized, & boost your metabolism!

IV Infusions are customizable to your needs by our APRN! Multiple add on boosters are available for $30

  • Zinc, magnesium, Zofran, Toradol, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and more!

NAD+ IV Infusions

  • NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, and is an essential molecule found in every cell of your body. It is a coenzyme of Vitamin B3 (niacin), which means it’s a small helper molecule that binds to a protein molecule in order to activate an enzyme. Enzymes are responsible for over 5,000 different biochemical reactions throughout the body and NAD+ participates in more reactions than any other vitamin-derived molecule.

    ENERGY PRODUCTION – NAD+ helps your cells convert food into energy by acting as an electron transporter during cell metabolism.

    REPAIR DNA – A constant supply of NAD+ is needed for the activation of PARPs, which detect and repair damaged DNA.

    ENZYME ACTIVITY – A class of enzymes called Sirtuins help regulate certain metabolic pathways and genetic expressions. Sirtuins are NAD+ dependent. The more Sirtuin activity, the better for health and longevity. Increased Sirtuin activity can help increase metabolism, decrease inflammation, extend cell life, and prevent neurodegeneration.

    CELL SIGNALING – NAD+ is released from the intercellular space to the extracellular space for communication. Research is revealing that NAD+ and ATP may alert the immune response when the cell is under stress or when there is inflammation.

    NEUROTRANSMITTER – More research needs to be conducted but, in some circumstances, NAD+ meets the pre- and postsynaptic criteria for a neurotransmitter. NAD+ is released from smooth muscle, neurosecretory cells, and brain synaptosomes for cell-to-cell communication. NAD helps the enzyme pathway from tyrosine to dopamine which is compromised in Parkinson’s Disease.

    GENE EXPRESSION – A class of enzymes called Sirtuins help regulate certain metabolic pathways and genetic expressions. Sirtuins are NAD-dependent and the more Sirtuin activity, the better for health and longevity. Increased Sirtuin activity can help increase metabolism, decrease inflammation, extend cell life, and prevent neurodegeneration.

  • NAD+ is proven to be crucial in our cell’s many healthy functions, to our overall longevity and to quality of life.

    DIABETES: While NAD+ doesn’t directly lower your blood sugar, it will produce the same effect as calorie restriction which does lower your blood sugar.

    PAIN AND HEALING: IV NAD+ it might reduce pain and promote healing. Heal better from injury especially promoting regeneration of blood vessels. Reduces Pain. NAD+ promotes healing from the inside out and improves many of the painful and debilitating symptoms of chronic illnesses. Low levels of NAD+ has a negative impact on several biological processes including cellular energy production, DNA repair, redox reactions, circadian rhythm, and immune response and inflammation. And because NAD+ is administered as a high-dose intravenous infusion, it can bypass the digestive system and access your cells directly for better absorption.

    HEART DISEASE: reduce atherosclerosis (blood vessel damage in heart) because it promotes reparation of blood vessels.

    MENTAL HEALTH: NAD+ treatments improve symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and PTSD. Oxidative stress increases with age and leads to degenerative processes that can cause both physical and emotional pain. Restoring energy deficiencies at the cellular level boosts vital cell functions, especially in the brain.

    ANXIETY & PTSD: Chronic stress is one of the leading underlying cause of degenerative diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and many more. This type of stress can also lead to a generalized sense of anxiety. So many Americans suffer from anxiety disorders that are untreated, are self-medicating with alcohol or drugs, or are finding some relief in risky prescription medications with side effects that range from addiction to serious damage to health.

    It’s likely that NAD+ and other nutrients plays a role in resetting the brain to regulate moods appropriately. NAD+ is essential for maintaining proper levels of neurotransmitters—intricately involved in brain neurotransmission. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that help to control states of consciousness, including moods. Likewise, amino acids are a building block for a healthy body. Our nutrient based IV therapy can be used to help regulate the mind and body, contributing to calm, clarity, and even a reduction of anxiety.

    Direct observation of patients receiving NAD for chemical detoxification who also suffer from PTSD showed that NAD appears to substantially relieve symptoms of PTSD. Early observation by Dr. Bloy, the pioneer in NAD/Amino Acid therapy, points to his patients that received treatment for addictions reported an improved feeling of wellbeing and calm.

    ADDICTION AND RECOVERY: While not a cure for addiction, NAD+ is a great detox aid. Its natural. Doesn’t harm your systems. Its restorative. NAD+ helps cells heal and help cellular biogenesis. Recovery.

    It is neuro protective.

    It reduces cravings associated with alcohol and opiate withdrawal. It’s a more natural solution compared to cyboxin, naltrexone and methadone because no negative side effects with NAD+. IV NAD+ has been long used for detoxing, since 1960s.

    CHRONIC FATIGUE: Antidepressants and other methods are a band aid. NAD+ treats the core issue by supplying energy to your body that it needs to heal on a cellular level. NAD+ increases production of ATP, the energy for your cells.

    CHRONIC CONDITIONS, NEURO DEGENERATIVE DISEASES AND MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS: Have been linked to cellular dysfunction and dysregulation. NAD+ therapy can reduce symptoms of many chronic conditions and may help individuals suffering from chronic conditions regain vitality and strength.

    BRAIN HEALTH: Patients who have received NAD+ infusions report better focus and mental clarity. Neuroinflammation, amyloid-beta plaques, mitochondrial damage, and increased oxidative stress contribute to cognitive decline. NAD+- dependent enzymes called sirtuins have shown to benefit brain health by acting on amyloid plaques, repairing DNA, lowering inflammation, and promoting neuronal function, which in turn can prevent or delay the onset of mild cognitive decline.

    COGNITIVE DECLINE: As nootropics become more and more popular, many people seek to enhance their brain function and cognitive performance with natural substances. NAD+ is viewed as one of the safest and best brain restoration therapies available. NAD+ increases the functioning of neurons, protects cells from damage, toxicity and death, and promotes mitochondrial (engine and cell power) biogenesis.

    NAD+ therapy benefits for cognitive health: Increased concentration, improved memory, mental clarity, and improved mood.

    AGING MEMORY AND THINKING: Where did I put my keys? What was that that person’s name again? Or, give me a minute and it will come to me.

    If you are finding it difficult to remember things and harder to think clearly, NAD+ Therapy may be a beneficial treatment for you. As we age, most people experience foggy memory and slower thinking. Degeneration of our memory and thinking is one of the more bothersome aspects of aging that leads to difficulties functioning and make it harder to enjoy life. Good news! You can help prevent or reverse declining memory and thinking. NAD+ Therapy has shown proven benefits in treating the symptoms of aging that affect our memory and thinking.

    Loss of Structure and reduced function of neurons is neurodegeneration. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT 1) in the hippocampus is linked to increase of memory in mice. SIRT 1 protects against amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders. SIRT1 is dependent on NAD+ and acts to protects brain and neurons.

    A Harvard study discovered NAD+ levels decline as we age. Sirtuins play major role in how well we age, by regulating inflammation and DNA protection. Sirtuins (a class of enzymes) are dependent on NAD+ to start and stop protective pathways that are related to pathologies of age-related diseases. Sirtuins turn off and on genes like a light switch. NAD+ is an essential coenzyme that promotes cellular regeneration and brain restoration. Replenishing cellular levels of NAD+ can turn on enzymes to prevent aging, repair DNA, protect brain cells from damage, reduce inflammation, and boost brain health.

    ANTI-AGING: Replenishing cellular levels of NAD+ give your cells the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives. Research shows that as we age levels of NAD+ decline substantially either due to lifestyle, diet, stress, toxins, or a host of other factors. Because of its key role in many biological processes, when NAD+ levels are low we are more susceptible to neuro and muscular degeneration, it compromises our cardiometabolic health, and it compromises our capacity for cellular repair and resiliency. In short, declining levels of NAD+ compromises our cells’ ability to create energy, resulting in accelerated aging and an increased risk of disease.

    WEIGHT LOSS / BOOST METABOLISM: Looking to increase your energy? Want to stop relying on caffeine to get you through the day?

    NAD+ IV therapy can help. NAD and it’s twin form, NADH are primarily used in redox reactions to generate energy within your cells. Part of this process includes the breakdown of carbohydrates, or sugar. What happens when your body is flooded with sugar? On top of elevated blood sugar levels, your cells start to metabolism the simple carbohydrates leading to an overload of NADH. Excess NADH has been linked to several metabolic conditions.

    Diabetes is one of those conditions. When your body doesn’t have enough NAD, or an overload of NADH, it won’t be able to activate the superhero enzymes sirtuins. Studies have shown that mice with elevated sirtuins were less likely to become diabetic, and were at a decreased risk of fatty liver disease. While IV NAD therapy won’t be able to lower your blood glucose levels, it does produce the same effect as calorie restriction.

    In other words, NAD+ therapy might be able to reduce your waistline and lose weight.

    MUSCLE RECOVERY: Restoring cellular levels of NAD+ will keep cells young and resilient, which translates to increased energy, improved muscle recovery, and less soreness after strenuous workouts. NAD+ is found in every cell of your body and plays a critical role in regulating cellular metabolism and energy homeostasis. NAD+ Therapy is a natural way for athletes to enhance their athletic performance.

    INFLAMMATION: Inflammation damages DNA leading to cell death. Inflammatory foods, inhaled pollutants, and exposure to toxic chemicals puts cells at risk. With lots of NAD+, cells activate enzymes to prevent and correct DNA damage. Super enzymes, Sirtuins, allow cells to live longer and stay healthier. Sirtuins are dependent on NAD+. Increasing your NAD+ may increase the production of Sirtuins, and, then, increase the health of all your cells.

  • Replenishing cellular levels of NAD+ via intravenous treatment has proven to repair DNA, protect brain cells from damage, reduce inflammation and turn on enzymes that help prevent aging.

    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a key metabolic agent that allows you to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids. Although it’s naturally produced in the body, a myriad of health issues can cause your NAD+ levels to dip. Through IV infusions, NAD+ can be delivered directly into your bloodstream with 100% bioavailability. NAD+ then optimizes your body’s oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions, giving you more cellular energy and revving up your metabolism. This coenzyme also affects how your body responds to age-related diseases. ​ By activating SIRT1 and PARP 1 proteins and other enzymes, NAD+ can help slow the rate of aging and enable better DNA repair. This helps your body restore the appearance of your skin, as well as reduce and prevent wrinkles. NAD has also been found to lengthen telomeres, protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that naturally become shorter as you age.

    NAD+ IV Infusions fill the body with key nutrients to energize, detox and aid the body in all of its energy requirements. You can choose a Lite 250mg initial version to start, which takes just 2 hours, or choose a Full 500mg or a Mega 1000mg, a 3-day booster series, or any of our 3-14 day treatment protocols to help you with your unique health conditions, address your anti-aging concerns, and achieve your wellness goals.

  • Individuals may choose to receive NAD+ IV therapy once occasionally, multiple days in a row as a prescribed series, multiple times per week or month, or receive an infusion anytime they want the boost frequency. The efficacy and benefits of NAD IV therapy become more apparent over time. Therefore, it is recommended that patients undergo multiple treatments.

    While many like to try just one NAD+ session to experience the benefits, some may opt to treat in a series for the ultimate infusion of NAD+. A series of NAD+ may be received as often as daily for up to 14 days. Our 3-14 Day NAD+ treatment protocols may be opted for to achieve maximum results when you are seeking to combat specific health issues.

  • After you check in, you will be asked to use the restroom before you get comfortable in our infusion room. Your customized iv infusion bag will be made for you, at which point our IV providers will place your IV and begin your IV treatment. Lay back and relax.

    You should bring a snack, or lunch, depending on the dose and treatment time for your NAD+ therapy. If you are having 250mg NAD+, your treatment will take 2 hours. If you are having 500mg NAD+, your treatment will take around 3 hours. If you are having 1000mg NAD+, your treatment will take around 4-6 hours. You can order lunch through a delivery service and we will help you coordinate delivery while you get your NAD+ treatment.

    We suggest you bring headphones and a device to watch a show, listen to music or you can take a long nap. During your infusion you can relax and unwind, or you can receive an aesthetic or medical treatment at the same time. Let the staff know when booking your NAD+ Infusion what you would like to have done at the same time as your infusion so they can schedule you appropriately.

    At the end of your treatment, your IV will be removed and we will put a bandaid on the insertion spot. Immediately after your infusion, you may feel a strong urge to empty your bladder. We suggest you use the restroom before leaving our office. Then, you can resume your regular daily activities.